Kaiser Permanente Thrive
For Healthy Kids Project
“For Healthy Kids” (FHK) was a project born from Kaiser Permanente’s “Thrive” initiative that would specifically focus on the prevention of obesity in children and adolescents by promoting and teaching healthier behaviors. With data at the time showing 1 out of every 10 kids were overweight and out of shape due to inactivity and a poor diet, it was clear that childhood obesity had become a significant concern for health organizations, schools and families.
The FHK program’s strategy consisted of an outreach program designed to strengthen parent’s knowledge of the importance of nutrition and exercise for their kids while at the same time enhancing the perception of Kaiser Permanente as a health-solutions provider proactive in the community.
Both English and Spanish speaking families were part of Ark Marketing’s initiatives which included partnerships with Public broadcasting and the planning and buying of television media at stations in markets throughout California including San Diego, Los Angeles, Bakersfield, San Francisco and Sacramento. A series of on-air vignettes were developed and aired to showcase a lifetime of healthy habits for the family.
Ark Marketing also helped organize ongoing learning workshops, seminars for parents and childcare providers and an outreach campaign with multiple events in key markets across the state, where “Healthy Start” kits were given out to families, especially in those communities where the needs were the greatest.
During the four year project, Ark Marketing would help host the custom website with Kaiser Permanente content and include the FHK program and all related information in monthly PBS and Kaiser Permanente magazines and e-newsletters. Articles were also written for print publications. Ark Marketing would also be responsible for coordinating the evaluation process.
C.L. Gailey Research conducted interviews at the Kaiser Permanente Get Fit San Diego 5k Run/Walk and Fit Festival at Liberty Station in San Diego, California. Respondents were shown two of the For Healthy Kids interstitials and the Healthy Start Kit. One of the videos covered portion control and the other talked to kids about healthy eating.
Both videos were rated very high relative to their effectiveness, importance of the message, and raised the level of awareness of the importance of eating a healthy diet and not overeating and prompted parents to take action relative to a healthy diet and food choices for their families.
In addition, the “Healthy Start” kit was also well received with high ratings for value and importance by fulfilling a significant need by giving families tools to facilitate healthy eating and a balanced diet.
Almost two-thirds (65.0%) of study participants said Kaiser Permanente’s participation in the program impacted their opinion of the organization and more than 75% said they felt much better about Kaiser Permanente as a result of their participation in the For Healthy Kids initiative. Virtually everyone (93.6%) felt it was very important for health care organizations to participate in programs of this type.



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